Customer Testimonials

Excellent service throughout. Had searched online and I got an immediate response which I was impressed with. Was really pleased with everything, the service offered and would recommend to anyone.


Very helpful and understanding, I felt the support I was given was remarkable.


Treated with respect and dignity throughout the case.


I always feel John is more understanding than any other solicitor that I’ve ever had in how he informs clients and transfers the wishes there or in front of the magistrates. I will always use yourselves and regularly recommend to others!


Always used LHD best around no question. Very approachable and easy to talk to. Made me feel very much at ease. Very easy with initial contact.


I liked your ‘all round’ straight forward talking, your prediction of outcome was correct. In short, very re-assuring. Was easy to speak to your clerk (Tony). All done the same day.


Start to finish I was treated with professionalism and care.


I would like to thank David Leach for the support and honesty in my case.


Very friendly and did an amazing job helping me.


I have used your firm for over 20 years. Thank you for your help.
